2020 has stretched all of us personally and professionally. Through it all, we are reminded that there is always a reason to be grateful, and the world in which we live; the people that we love; and the businesses we trust are not shielded from unexpected loss or disaster. For our part, this year has taught us valuable lessons about the Putnam County business community. This experience has prompted us to rapidly shift our priorities and expand the scope of education and support to those business sectors that have been severely impacted by the pandemic. The various programs and promotional campaigns that the PCBC initiated have educated and encouraged the community to shop and dine locally.
Our member-driven focus has served to quadruple our membership base in 2020. We are grateful, proud, and honored to welcome all of our new 2020 members! Please join us in celebrating new opportunities in 2021 and recognizing the true-grit efforts of our special business community.