Author Archive for: Michael Bucci
About Michael Bucci
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Michael Bucci contributed a whooping 9 entries.
Entries by Michael Bucci
Trailblazer Event & 1st Annual Best of Putnam Awards
October 9, 2022 by Michael BucciBecome a sponsor of the 2021 Trailblazer GRITT awards dinner
November 8, 2021 by Michael BucciTourism For Profit – Can It Help Putnam County?
Much has been happening in the news lately, but economically speaking 2020 is off to a very good start for Putnam County. Our real estate market is really hot, it looks like the long-awaited hotel is finally open and I am hearing rumors of a big sports and commercial recreation company interested in doing something […]
New board members
I’d like to announce that we have added three additional board members to our business Council. John Kraus Nick D’Andrea Michael Bucci
and patio
Anthony Jewelers
Arturo’s mahopac
attorney at law
Best Discount Depot
Buccis deli
Christopher X. Maher
Clock Tower Grill
community cares
Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney
COVID 4 Relief Bill
Downey Energy
Florrie Kaye's
Hudson Hill's
jaymark jewelers
Jen & Jerrys
Joe Massaro
Katherine's Gift Shop
Kismet at Caryn's
Le Bouchon
legal services
Legislative Priorities Survey
MaryEllen Odell
meals on wheels putnam county
Prato trattoria
Putnam County
putnam county business council
putnam county restaurants
Savor Mahopac
sba economic injury disaster loans
Schech's pool
Schech's pool spa patio
small business saturday
The Depot
The Garrison
Titan Steakhouse
Trattoria Sei
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“Business Talkback” Panel — Construction & Real Estate: What does the Future Hold?
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593 Route 6, Mahopac NY 10541