SBA Economic Aid Act update

Paycheck Protection Program
  1. New COVID Relief Program Report has been posted with top-line data as of 3/4/21.
 Covering top-line data from PPP, Forgiveness, EIDL and the completed 2020 EIDL Advance
Shuttered Venue Operator Grants
Note: the SVOG application release date is still TBD and the Agency hopes to have some more finite details soon.
Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Translations of COVID-19 EIDL FAQs are now posted in the language library. As a reminder, the English version at the top matches the translated versions below to help you find a specific document. We also have a document landing page for Spanish and the other 16 versions.
OIG/Scams & Fraud prevention
Revised translations of the fraud/scams notice are in the language library as well

Women’s Business Forum The Impact, Influence and Leadership of Women on Corporate Boards

Women’s Business Forum
As the business community begins to understand and embrace the growing value, impact and influence of women on corporate boards, learn how you can leverage your leadership skills and experience to achieve the status of board member. Our panel of women business leaders has a long history of serving on many corporate boards and will explain the steps taken to bring about their success and discuss how you can leverage yourself in securing an influential leadership role.
DATE: Tuesday, March 30
TIME:  11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Other Upcoming Business Council Virtual Events

Labor/HR Webinar: Leave Management
New York State/New York City paid sick leave, state and federal COVID leave programs, PFL/ADA/FMLA/Workers’ Compensation/NYS Short-term Disability – managing an employee’s leave status while out sick, injured or caring for a family member is a challenge for businesses of all sizes. This program will provide examples and guidance based questions received through The Business Council’s HR Hotline.
DATE: Thursday, March 18
TIME: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Labor/HR Webinar: Legalized Cannabis
Legalized recreational marijuana in New York State will have a significant impact on employers, their drug-free workplace policies and their drug testing practices. We will discuss best practices and strategies for complying with the law and ensuring a safe and productive workplace.
DATE: Thursday, April 15
TIME: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

NYSEG Making Upgrades In Carmel To Improve Reliability

More reliable power is coming to thousands of Putnam County residents as NYSEG kicks off an extensive project to make improvements to the power grid in Carmel.
New York State Electric & Gas announced a pair of projects – one on the north side of town along Horsepound Road and one in the southern part of Carmel, along Stebbings Road.
According to NYSEG, the projects – part of the company’s “Resiliency Program” – will upgrade approximately three miles of power lines and bring enhanced reliability to approximately 4,107 residential and business customers.
Read the Full article HERE