Restaurant Revitalization Grant Fund Replay and Information
The US SBA is targeting April to launch a phased rollout of the $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). The American Rescue Plan Act, P.L. 117-2, created the RRF to provide restaurants with grants – not loans – potentially equal to pandemic-related revenue losses, up to $10 million per entity, or $5 million per physical location for a certain periods during the pandemic. Restaurants and bars have been among the hardest hit businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic and this program is targeted specifically for them.
Click the video below for the replay of the Webinar held on Wednesday, April 21st.
Please Click HERE to view and download more information.
Re-evaluation of a Targeted EIDL Advance application
Effective immediately, applicants can send a request for reevaluation of a Targeted EIDL Advance application that was declined to the following email address:
Applicants should follow these instructions when requesting a reevaluation:
- Send email to
- Use subject line “Reevaluation Request for [insert your 10-digit application number]”
- Be sure to include in the body of the email identifying information for the application including application number, business name, business address, business owner name(s), and phone number.
Important: Please also include an explanation and any documentation that addresses the reason for the decline, if available. SBA will contact applicants if additional documentation is required to complete our review.
REGISTER For The PCBC Legislative Priorities “Town Hall” – Thursday, April 29th @ 7:30AM
Thank you very much for your help and assistance in the past for your work with the Putnam County Business Council serving on the task force for “Re-opening Putnam County safely”. Your time is valuable and we appreciate your input and time.
Because of your leadership we would like to invite you to participate in the PCBCs “Legislative Priorities” Meeting. We plan to have a “town hall” style meeting sharing the input we have from our membership survey along with the legislative items we’ve identified over the last year. Attached is a draft of that document for your review. We would love your input prior to the event as well as to add to the discussion. The plan is to present the draft of priorities at the meeting and to gather feedback and additional input from our membership as well as local business owners.
We hope you find this an informative and interactive meeting that will continue the push for the success of the business community in Putnam County. Below is the registration information – we hope you can join us!
DATE: Thursday, 29th AprilTIME: 07:30 AM
Please click below to REGISTER
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting