A Message from the Chairwoman – Answers to your Questions about Reopening Putnam Safely

Governor Cuomo has outlined a plan to reopen New York State. His plan focuses on getting people back to work and easing social isolation without triggering a resurgence of the virus, which will overwhelm the healthcare system. New York will reopen on a regional basis as each region meets the 12 criteria necessary to protect public health as businesses reopen. New York State remains on PAUSE through May 15. The up to date plan for reopening New York is laid out here.

Determinations for reopening are based on CDC recommendations, including:

  1. Regions must experience a 14-day decline in hospitalizations and deaths on a 3-day rolling average. 
  2. Regions with minimal COVID cases cannot exceed 15 new total cases or 5 new deaths on a 3-day rolling average. 
  3. A region must have fewer than two new COVID patients admitted per 100,000 residents per day.

So, where does that leave Putnam County? We are, as of right now, grouped together with all counties that comprise the  “Mid-Hudson”  Region, including Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester. The Map can be seen here and this graphic shows where we stand as a region. 

Why are we grouped in with these counties that have struggled with Covid-19 cases at a much higher rate? Good question. I suspect it is NYS using the same regions as they have for the Consolidated Funding Application Process. While public safety is our number 1 concern, I don’t think Putnam should be measured by the same ruler as counties, like Westchester. We should be able to make decisions as a county, based on Putnam’s rate of infection per the stated CDC recommendations above. I have written to Senator Harckham. Our County Executive continues to speak about this issue and is supportive of the business community and the safety of our residents. 

Business owners: Start making your COVID-19  safety protocol plans today. If you follow the guidelines you may find there is much more you could be doing today. The plan should include the following: 

  1. Each business and industry must have a plan to protect employees and consumers
  2. Make the physical workspace safer
  3. Implement processes that lower the risk of infection in the business.
  • Adjust workplace hours and shift design as necessary to reduce density in the workplace
  • Enact social distancing protocols
  • Restrict non-essential travel for employees
  • Require all employees and customers to wear masks if in frequent contact with others
  • Implement strict cleaning and sanitation standards
  • Enact a continuous health screening process for individuals to enter the workplace
  • Continue tracing, tracking and reporting of cases and Develop liability processes

4 Phase Reopening Plan

Priority Industries for Reopening: Businesses in each region will reopen in phases. 

Phase One: Construction, manufacturing and wholesale supply chain. Select retail using curbside pickup only

Phase Two: Professional services, finance and insurance, retail, administrative support, real estate and rental leasing

Phase Three: Restaurants and foodservice, hotels and accommodations

Phase Four: Arts, entertainment and recreation, education

How do you determine, Essential vs. Non-Essential? These guidelines will help. It takes some reading between the lines, but if you are following the guidelines you should be able to function. Things will only get better from here IF we all continue to Social Distance and Wear Masks in Public.

I implore all of you to start a movement and share this graphic with your logo inserted and urge people to fall in line. Not wearing a mask in public is hurting us all — both physically and financially.

Stay safe,

Jennifer Maher
Putnam County Business Council
