Register for Business Talkback Reports from the County/EDC Small Business Committee & PCBC Reopen Putnam Safely Task Force

Putnam County Business Council’s ” Business Talkback”

Please join us for our weekly “Business Talkback” Webinar, featuring important updates from business leaders and Federal, State, and Local representatives affecting the Putnam business community.


Topic: Safely Reopening Putnam – Guidelines from the County & Reports from Town, Village and Businesses

Date: Monday, May 11, 2020

Time: 2:00 pm
Our Panelists will report on reopening guidelines from the County and Towns/Businesses will discuss implementation measures..
Let’s stop thinking about what we can’t do and focus on what we CAN DO!
  • Kathleen Abels: Putnam County EDC
  • Bill Nulk: Putnam County IDA
  • William Gouldman: Putnam County Legislator, Economic Development Chair
  • Sal Gambino and George Joiner: Putnam County SCORE
  • Tracy Walsh: Putnam CountyTourism
  • Amy Sayegh: Community Cares
  • Faith Ann Butcher: United Way of Putnam and Westchester


Click below to REGISTER for the WEBINAR.
Please note: Seating is limited. We will be posting a replay shortly after the conclusion of the webinar.

New Leadership Webinar Series Figuring out the New Normal: Business in the time of COVID

This is the first in the Leadership Series of Webinars hosted by Putnam County Business Council.
TOPIC: Figuring out the New Normal: Business in the time of COVID
DATE: Tuesday 12th May at 8am
GUEST SPEAKER: Patricia Mulligan Esq
Discussion Agenda:
  • The steps businesses should be taking as they resume operations;
  • How employers should handle workers who are reluctant to return to the physical workspace;
  • The unique challenges facing businesses who are managing employees remotely;
  • Employer leave obligations for employees who are on isolation or quarantine orders, and
  • How to handle the tough decisions of who to retain and who to lay off if positions are eliminated, and related liability concerns.
Please register by clicking the button below. The Webinar will also be available LIVE on the Putnam County Business Council Facebook page. Replay will be posted to the PCBC website within 24 hours.
The Leadership guest speaker this week is, Patricia Mulligan, Esq
Patricia M. Mulligan is a labor & employment attorney with nearly 30 years of experience representing both employers and employees in the private and public sectors.
Ms. Mulligan is a trusted advisor to small and medium-sized businesses, addressing their unique, employment-related needs, and offering compliance review and advice aimed at avoiding scrutiny and/or litigation under applicable labor and employment laws. When necessary, Ms. Mulligan defends clients vigorously in litigation brought in state and federal court, as well as before administrative agencies such as the NYS and US Departments of Labor, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the NYS Division of Human Rights and the National Labor Relations Board. Read her full bio HERE